Everyone’s mad at someone. Everyone has an opinion on who was right and wrong.
You see Penn
State students out flipping over a media truck and screaming against
the Board of Trustees. Students angry that the media made it all about
JoePa and led to his firing.
But scapegoating the media is not the answer. Scapegoating the Board of Trustees is not either.
people truly at fault are the ones who created and then allowed this to
go on, to become a mess. Jerry Sandusky, Tim Curley, Gary Schultz,
Graham Spanier, Mike McQueary, Joe Paterno. You can’t blame one and not the other.
first three are most at fault: Sandusky, the sickening perpetrator of
the molestation of young boys
according to a grand jury report and Curley/Schultz, those at the top of the
chain of command who chose to ignore it.
Paterno and McQueary
fall in the middle. McQueary witnessed a horrifying act and reported it
to his superior. Paterno was informed and told his superiors. They did
something, maybe not enough.
There was no easy answer to what to do with Paterno. No solution that would come close to pleasing everyone.
him, as the Board of Trustees did, and face a firestorm from the legion
of Penn State students and supporters, an avid and extremely passionate
Let him coach out the season and get chastised for not
doing enough, allowing a man who was a part of a heinous scandal to
remain the face of a tattered program.
Truly, step back, and you can see both sides of it. Understand both rationales.
put in the place of Paterno or McQueary, doing what they did may have
seemed like the right thing. Hindsight is 20/20. Many people don’t go
above and beyond. Sadly, people don’t always take the ideal, morally perfect action, in many aspects.
The Seattle Times did a feature exposé in 2003 on
coaches who prey,
many keeping their jobs as teachers and coaches, as administrators
didn't address it. It’s years old but still relevant. Those known for
molestation and sexual abuse continuing to get hired because they’re
successful as coaches.
Winning, along with making money, trump morality.

of morality mean saving face, usually cleaning house. That’s why Joe
Paterno’s gone. The Board of Trustees had to send a message. I don’t
know how you legislate morality but apparently the Board of Trustees
Lots and lots of muck and mire get covered up. Thinking
about how many scandals fester in the seedy world of college athletics
is sickening.
The most sickening thing to remember though is the
details of that 23-page grand jury report, just the mere thought of
Jerry Sandusky even placing his right hand on a child’s left thigh while
driving, let alone the much more explicit actions he took.
That’s what this is all about. As we argue about what more could have been done, we must think of what now can
be done for the victims. The strength it took for them to speak up
years later. Even beginning to understand their psyche is impossible.
It’s now almost trite to say it’s all about the victims. But it is. Kids who had innocence stripped away from them.
Paterno had many joyous moments in his illustrious career as a coach at
Penn State. He is neither the perpetrator nor victim.
In that regard, it’s black and white. Sandusky the abuser, the kids who were molested by an old man the victims.
Football will go on without Paterno. It really will.
Look outside the football prism, and please, just don’t ignore the real victims again. Too many who could have changed this story already have.