Then, after two weeks, Mangini decided Derek Anderson was the guy.
Well, now Mangini has changed mind....again.
Per the course, nothing has been announced or made official because Mangini guards a secret like a teenage girl petrified of losing her best friend if she squeals.
But reports say that Brady Quinn will now start week 10's Monday night contest at Baltimore.
My words of wisdom for Coach Mangini: make up your mind already!
I know neither of the two are a particularly appealing option but Mangini with quarterbacks is like a confused kid waiting on line for food at the carnival. He can't make a choice.
Cotton candy or popcorn? Kellen Clemens or Chad Pennington? Brady Quinn or Derek Anderson? He was saved a quarterback dilemma last season when Brett Favre was brought to New York but this quarterback competition carousel has become an annual ritual.
The quarterback is the team's offensive (and many times the team) leader. If the coach doesn't know who that guy is, how are the players supposed to? What kind of message does that send?
But, for now, Quinn is back. Two weeks from now? It could be Derek Anderson. It could be third-stringer Brett Ratliff. It could be the ball boy. I don't know...and nor will anyone else 'til the last possible moment.
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